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How can I check the status of my order?
Log in to your account and check the status of your order.

Status Index:

  • Pending - Order has been submitted and is being imported to our database
  • On Hold - Order is being verified or has payment issues
  • Ready - Order is ready to be processed
  • Picked - Order is currently being picked in the shipping department
  • Invoiced - Order has been finalized and ready to be packed
  • Shipped - Order has been shipped and is in transit
  • Backorder - One or more of the items in your order are out of stock; we are waiting for the item(s) to become available
  • Canceled - The order is canceled

What is your return policy?
Please refer to easy self-service return process here.

How do I cancel an order?
You can cancel your order provided it hasn't yet entered the shipping process. If the item has entered the shipping process, it cannot be canceled. However, you can return the item for a refund. (Refer to Return Policy)