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Quick Delivery

Just because we offer free shipping on all products, it does not mean it will take ages to reach you! We understand that getting your items quickly is important to you, and hence we make every effort to process your order quickly.

Orders for in-stock items placed on business days are generally shipped on the same day, if placed before 1PM CST. Order placed after 1PM will be shipped on the next day. For weekend orders, placed on Fridays after 1:00 PM CST, will be processed on the following Monday. If there is a problem with your order, you will receive an e-mail within one business day to intimate you about the situation. We are closed on all major holidays.

In case we miscount on the availability of a product and receive order for any discontinued item, we upgrade our shipping method to ensure on-time delivery.

Please go through Shipping & Delivery Information for further details.